St. Frances Cabrine Move.
St. Ambrose and St. Elizabeth Trinity Council on December 14, 2024
Renegade Pigs Turkey Donation on
November 23, 2024
Parish Thanksgiving Dinner on November 22, 2024
St. Barnabas Parking lot clean up
on October 12, 2024
St. Patrick Dinner on March 14, 2024
Pictured left to right - Karl Helff, Grand Knight, Paul Caiafa, PGK, (Honorary Membership)
Pictured left to right - Karl Helff, Grand Knight, Vincent Testa (Honorary Life Member),
Pictured left to right - Karl Helff, Grand Knight, Paul Caiafa, PGK, Knight of the Year)
Pictured left to right - Karl Helff, Grand Knight, Bob Maturo, Commander of the Post 76
Complimentary Lenten Dinner February16, 2024
Tootsie Roll Campaign Awards - 10/2023
Proceeds of $3,300 from last year's Tootsie Roll Campaigns were presented in the amount of $1,100 to each of the following organizations dedicated to improving the lives of persons with disabilities. They are, L-R, Top to Bottom:
Elizabeth Ives School: Vincent Costanzo, PGK, Linda Zunda, Director, Chris Moruzzi, Assistant Director.
ACES: Janice Saunders, Development Coordinator, Vincent Costanzo, PGK.
MOSIAC: Paul Caiafa, PGK, Nancy Vito, Director of Development
Proceeds of $3,300 from last year's Tootsie Roll Campaigns were presented in the amount of $1,100 to each of the following organizations dedicated to improving the lives of persons with disabilities. They are, L-R, Top to Bottom:
Elizabeth Ives School: Vincent Costanzo, PGK, Linda Zunda, Director, Chris Moruzzi, Assistant Director.
ACES: Janice Saunders, Development Coordinator, Vincent Costanzo, PGK.
MOSIAC: Paul Caiafa, PGK, Nancy Vito, Director of Development
Feast Day of Michael McGivney
Complimentary Dinner November 8, 2023
A complimentary dinner to all Parishioners of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish at
St. Frances Cabrini Church Hall.
St. Frances Cabrini Church Hall.
Tootsie Roll Campaign Awards 10/2023
Proceeds of $3,330 from last year's Tootsie Roll Campaigns were presented in the amount of $1,110 to each of the following organizations dedicated to improving the lives of persons with disabilities. They are, L-R, Top to Bottom:
Elizabeth Ives School: Vincent Costanzo, PGK, Linda Zunda, Director, Chris Moruzzi, Assistant Director.
ACES: Janice Saunders, Development Coordinator, Vincent Costanzo, PGK.
MOSIAC: Paul Caiafa, PGK, Nancy Vito, Director of Development
Elizabeth Ives School: Vincent Costanzo, PGK, Linda Zunda, Director, Chris Moruzzi, Assistant Director.
ACES: Janice Saunders, Development Coordinator, Vincent Costanzo, PGK.
MOSIAC: Paul Caiafa, PGK, Nancy Vito, Director of Development
Lenten Dinner on March 31, 2023
4th Degree Exemplification
April 2023 at St. Mary's Church in New Haven, CT
St. Patrick Dinner on March 11, 2023
Council 3733 Donated $1,000 to North Haven Special Olympics on January 24, 2023
First Pictured from Left to Right are Doug Fernandez (Knights of Columbus), Vincent Costanzo, Grand Knight, Ria Violano North Haven Special Olympics Coordinator, Second Picture Left to Right Vincent Costanzo, Grand Knight, Ria Violano North Haven Special Olympics Coordinator, Doug Fernandez (Knights of Columbus) Katie O'Connor Aquatics Coach and some of the swim team.
Nov. 19th 2022-Turkeys & Food Drive@ Stop&Shop
The Renegade Pigs Motorcycle Club donated 111 Turkeys and various canned goods to The Knights of Columbus for distribution to the North Haven Food Pantry, the North Haven Congregational Church Food Pantry and the Grace & St Peter's Episcopal Church in Hamden. The Renegade Pigs is an International organization of retired Police & Fire Personnel. They are a charitable organization that benefits many many needy causes throughout the country. Be sure to view video below. . . . A big shout-out to Robert Bissell who was instrumental in arranging this most spectacular charitable event..... God bless them all !!!!!
Live Video of Renegade Pigs delivering 111 Turkeys & Canned Goods To our Council - 11/19/2022
Photos from The Renegade Pigs visit, Food Drive @ Stop & Shop and distribution of food to Food Pantry's
Feast Day of Michael McGivney
St. Patrick Dinner
Donation to Animal Haven
Donations to
ACES, Elizabeth Ives School & MOSAIC
December 17, 2021
North Haven Animal Haven Fund Raiser
December 4, 2021
Annual Officer Induction Ceremony
was on September 2, 2021
20/20 Raffle Grand Prize Event
20/20 Raffle Grand Prizes event was pulled on Sunday, June 13 after the 9:30 mass at Saint Barnabas parking lot. Knights of Columbus pictured at event were Harry J. Bahls, Paul A. Caiafa, Tony Caiafa, Rocco Carbone, Don Clark, Jim Dacey, Larry Esposito, John Palmieri,
The North Haven Memorial Day Parade was on Saturday, June 5th. The Commodore John Barry 4th Degree Assembly #97 of Greater New Haven provided the KofC Honor Guard & Parade Vehicle at the parade in addition to our local North Haven Council 3733. Ready to march in the North Haven Memorial Day Parade. Pictured left to right:
Pictured, Jeannot Michaud, Leotis Tyson, Ron Abbott, Greg Seledyn, Jim Dacey, Nate Vestal, Mike Zagata, Dom Masella, Doug Fernandez & Justin Appi. The Knights in blue shirts are from The James F. Donaher Council 3733 in North Haven. Honor Guard Sir Knights Jeannot Michaud from the Waterbury Assembly; Greg Selegyn from the Wallingford Assembly and Leotis, Ron & Justin from the Commodore John Barry Assembly 97.
Pictured, Jeannot Michaud, Leotis Tyson, Ron Abbott, Greg Seledyn, Jim Dacey, Nate Vestal, Mike Zagata, Dom Masella, Doug Fernandez & Justin Appi. The Knights in blue shirts are from The James F. Donaher Council 3733 in North Haven. Honor Guard Sir Knights Jeannot Michaud from the Waterbury Assembly; Greg Selegyn from the Wallingford Assembly and Leotis, Ron & Justin from the Commodore John Barry Assembly 97.
Knights of Columbus Council Picked Up Turkeys for Distribution to Local Town Areas at Legion of Christ Seminary Cheshire
11/21/2020 - Thank you to the Motorcycle Club Renegade Pigs for donating 75 Turkeys to our North Haven Council. Donations went to St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Church North Haven, Grace & St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Hamden, Congregational Church North Haven, and North Haven Community Services for their Food Pantry. Pictured Jim Dacey (Knights of Columbus), Photos by Paul Caiafa,(Knights of Columbus), Tony Caiafa and Harry Bahls (Knights of Columbus) who also helped in the distribution.
Knights of Columbus Distributes Stop & Shop Bakery Products to Local Soup Kitchens & Senior Centers
9/20/2020 - Thank you to the Bakery Department at Stop & Shop in North Haven. They donated breads and desserts that were distributed by the Knights of Columbus in North Haven. Donations went to local soup kitchens and senior centers. Pictured are Blaise Vece (Knights of Columbus), Jay Nuzzo (Stop & Shop), Rich Inzero (Knights of Columbus), Patty Douglas (Stop & Shop), Sue O’Connell (Grace & St. Peters Church), and Larry Esposito (Knights of Columbus). Not pictured is Shelley (Stop & Shop)
Council Officers Installed on August 20, 2020
Pictured from L-R Front Row are: Robert Brancato, Treasurer; Paul Caiafa, Trustee; Blaise Vece, Grand Knight; Vincent Costanzo, Deputy Grand Knight; Andrea Puzio, Inside Guard. Back Row: Douglas Fernandez, Recorder; Nathan Vestal, Chancellor; John Rubino, Financial Secretary; Karl Helff, Warden; William Smith, District Deputy; Domenic Masella, Ouside Guard; Lawrence Esposito, Advocate. Not pictured are: Harry Bahls, Trustee and Stuart Lyons Sr, Trustee.
Council Donates $1,060 to The Ives School
August 2020 - Knights of Columbus - North Haven Father James F. Donaher Council 3733 presented The Vantage Group with a check for $1,060 from our recent Tootsie Roll fundraiser. The Elizabeth Ives School is a small, State of Connecticut Department of Education approved, non-profit, special education therapeutic day school that is located in North Haven
Council Donates $1,060 to Vantage Group
August 2020 - Knights of Columbus - North Haven Father James F. Donaher Council 3733 presented The Vantage Group with a check for $1,060 from our recent Tootsie Roll fundraiser. Vantage Group supports the life-long needs of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities that live in New Haven County.
Council 3733 Donates $1,060 to ACES Access
August 2020 - Knights of Columbus - North Haven Father James F. Donaher Council 3733 presented ACES ACCESS with a check for $1,060 from our recent Tootsie Roll fundraiser. ACES ACCESS provides job training and placement and life skills activities for developmentally disabled adults.
Grand Prize Drawing for 20/20 Raffle - at St. Barnabas church on 6/14/2020
The Father James F. Donaher Council #3733 rolled out its recent 20/20 Raffle in February 2020 for a ticket purchase of $20.00. Over a 20-week period we drew two $25.00 winners for 19 weeks and at the final drawing on June 14th we selected seven more winners with the Grand Prize winner taking home $731. Participants had 45 chances to win because lucky winning tickets went back into the pool, and can win again.
The Grand Prize winners, from 1st through 7th place are: Domenico A Iacobelli, Ann White, Justin Appi, Blaise Vece (twice), Diane MacDonald and Robert Brancato.
The Grand Prize winners, from 1st through 7th place are: Domenico A Iacobelli, Ann White, Justin Appi, Blaise Vece (twice), Diane MacDonald and Robert Brancato.
Spring cleanup at St. Barnabas parking lot - 5/30/2020
Banners DONATED TO St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish CHURCHES
October 2019 - North Haven Knights of Columbus Donate $3,321 To Area Organizations Dedicated To Benefit Individuals With Developmental Disabilities
Installation of Officers - 2019-2020
Pictured, left to right in the front row are: Stuart Lyon, Sr. Trustee; Paul Caiafa, Grand
Knight; Robert Brancato, Treasurer; John Rubino, Financial Secretary; and Vincent Costanzo, Chancellor...
Pictured, left to right in the back row are: Domenic Masella, Outside Guard; Karl Helff,
Inside Guard; William Smith, District Deputy; James Dacey, Recorder; Harry Bahls,
Trustee; Lawrence Esposito, Advocate; John Palmieri, Trustee; and Michael Zagata,
Warden. Not pictured is Blaise Vece,
Deputy Grand Knight
Christmas Tree Lighting - 2018
Installation of Officers - 2018-2019 Fraternal Year
Pictured in the front row from left to right are: Treasurer, Robert Brancato; Advocate, Lawrence Esposito; Past Grand Knight, Stuart Lyon Sr.; Financial Secretary, John Rubino and Chancellor, Blaise Vece. In the back row from left to right are: Warden, Vincent Costanzo; Secretary, Michael Zagata; Grand Knight, Harry Bahls; Trustee, Nathan Vestal and Deputy Grand Knight, Paul Caiafa. Not pictured are: Chaplain, Reverend Michael Santiago, Pastor of St. Elizabeth of The Trinity Catholic Parish; Inside Guard, Karl Helff; Outside Guard, Richard DePonte and Trustee, James Dacey.
Saturday, December 1, 2017 - Anthony Santagata a Brother Knight in our Council, named Italian American of The Year by the New Haven Elks. Pictured with Tony are all North Haven Knights: Bob Brancato, Justin Appi, Paul Barbiero, Anthony DeSimone, Anthony Santagata, Tom Powers, Joe Dacey and Nate Vestal..
Christmas Tree Lighting On The North Haven Green - Sunday, December 2nd, 2017..... photos by Justin Appi & Anthony Caiafa
Over 1,800 Pounds of Food collected by our Council and The Litho Club of North Haven to be donated to the North Haven Food Pantry - November 15, 2017
Photo from Trunk or Treat - Saturday, October 28, 2017 - 12 Brother Knights participated in the safe and orderly parking of entering vehicles, distributing Treats to kids (and adults) and the safe and orderly exiting of vehicles.
Set Back Tournament held on November 4, 2017 at our Council Home in North Haven to benefit our Veteran's Fund.
North Haven Knights donating 2 boxes of 24 Brand New Coats for Needy Kids in the North Haven Area
Nate Vestal, Past Grand Knight being honored by Sons & Daughters of Italy at il Monticello in Meriden in November 2017
Tootsie Roll Drive - 100/2017 - Thanks to the over 15 Knights who volunteered over the week-end.
October 2017 - Installation of Officers for 2017 - 2018
October 2017 - Stu Lyons, Grand Knight & Jim Dacey, Past Grand Knight Presenting Check of over $1,600 from Tootsie Roll Drive to Chidi Onukwugha, Director ACCESS/ACES in North Haven
April 2017 - 4th Degree Exemplification at St. Mary in New Haven
Installation of Officers 2016-2017